I think it makes better sense for real estate use where quality and resolution are not as important. There are no placards or intricate details to zoom into, so the low quality is not a concern.
It's also a closed architecture, service-based system where someone else controls the code. That's okay for a small outfit, but if you want to invest in these tours and eventually see them transition to STEM curricula, this is not the way to do it. One should always search out Open Architecture solutions versus proprietary ones, else you invest in a vendor's IT and not your own.
Original Message:
Sent: 6/29/2020 9:16:00 AM
From: Miriam Machado
Subject: RE: Empty galleries looking for a way to engage public
Hello, I found the information mis helpful and in fact we have adopted Matterport, we are working well with it so far, can you expand on your comment/suggestion?
Miriam Machado,M.A.
Director of Education
Frost Art Museum
Florida International University
10975 SW 17th street, MMC
Miami, FL 33199
P: (305) 348-1808 | E: mmachado@fiu.edu
| | | | |
Wear a face covering and do not touch your face | Wash your hands or use hand sanitizer | Practice physical distancing and stay 6ft apart | Stay home if you feel ill | Clean surfaces |
Original Message:
Sent: 6/29/2020 7:54:00 AM
From: Loren Ybarrondo
Subject: RE: Empty galleries looking for a way to engage public
Thanks for the informative package. My only constructive criticism would be for museums to avoid Matterport. There are more appropriate solutions for building virtual tours for museums that keep the content on your server and allow much richer engagements and customization.
Loren Ybarrondo
National Museum of Natural History - Smithsonian Institution
Hermosa Beach CA
Original Message:
Sent: 06-26-2020 03:01 PM
From: Don Havey
Subject: Empty galleries looking for a way to engage public
If you are concerned about bringing the public into your space maybe consider a robust virtual tour with an app like Matterport. You can still fill your space with work and share it with the public remotely. You can find more resources and inspiration for creative solutions to engage with your community on our free pandemic toolkit for small museums, galleries, visitor centers, and other public spaces. It takes a lot of the information we have all been bombarded with during the pandemic, the best resources, and distills everything into a (relatively) approachable format.
The toolkit contains guidelines, inspiration, and resources for engaging audiences, building community, and creating digital experiences in the era of COVID-19 and beyond. It is totally free and not associated with any product or service. We hope that our friends in the museum community find it helpful!
Check it out here: https://toolkit.perchmade.com
Don Havey
Portland ME
Original Message:
Sent: 05-20-2020 09:39 AM
From: Miriam Machado
Subject: Empty galleries looking for a way to engage public
Dear Colleagues,
We are a campus museum at a public university and will have three empty galleries on the same floor . We are thinking of what way can we bring in an artist or a way to have people come in and watch the process.
Any thoughts?
Miriam Machado
Curator of Education
The Frost Art Museum
Florida International University
MMC Campus
10975 SW 17th street
Miami, Fl .33199
305 348 1808