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  • 1.  Platform for Digital Programs?

    Posted 04-27-2020 05:13 PM
    Hi all, 

    We are a mid-sized museum looking to host virtual programs. Does anyone have any recommendations for what platform is best? We are looking for one that is similar to a streaming service and one that members can access for free with a code of some sort or non-members can pay a nominal fee to get in. 

    Has anyone had any experience with a similar platform? 

    Thank you,

    Valerie Peacock
    Clarice & Robert H. Smith Educator
    National Sporting Library & Museum
    Middleburg VA

  • 2.  RE: Platform for Digital Programs?

    Posted 04-28-2020 05:40 AM
    We have done several digital tours for museums and mansions. We have over one million tourists/year using our platform. And, we can certainly setup a password for members and paid for non-members. My contact is
    website: Create your Mobile Audio Tour Guide App
    Actiondatasystems remove preview
    Create your Mobile Audio Tour Guide App
    A mobile tour guide app platform to create Apple & Android apps for attractions that visitors download on their own phones to use as tour guides. Low cost, sets up in weeks and replaces audio guides.
    View this on Actiondatasystems >

    Snehal Shah
    Action Data Systems, LLC
    Barrington RI

  • 3.  RE: Platform for Digital Programs?

    Posted 04-28-2020 09:58 AM

    Good morning Valerie,


    We host 3-4 virtual programs per week and have been using Zoom for all. We don't use Zoom's registration function; rather, for free or Members-only programs, we ask people to email us their name to register (and/or to verify the status of their membership); for ticketed programs, they purchase a ticket as usual through our website. Within 24 hours of each program, we send login information to those who have registered. For ticketed programs, we use Zoom's waiting room feature, so that we can "let in" only those who purchased a ticket.


    Hope this helps – let me know if you need any other info! Best,


    Kristi McMillan

    Director of Learning & Engagement | 828.253.3227 x122 |

    ASHEVILLE ART MUSEUM | 2 South Pack Square, Asheville, NC 28801

    M PO Box 1717, Asheville, NC 28802 | F 828.210.9826 |