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  • 1.  Affordable animatronics

    Posted 11-18-2016 02:36 PM

    Hello All,

    We have just created an animatronic train conductor for the City of Belton's new train museum and I thought you folks would enjoy taking a peek.

    It is a small museum on a very tight budget, but we were able to create this custom animatronic on their budget and under schedule.

    Alison Belton of the board of the museum explains the visitor's reactions best here:

    Entertaining while Educating

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    Entertaining while Educating
    Everybody is getting information faster, trying to absorb it, learn from it, but it can be too much! With attention spans shrinking it becomes very difficult to help somebody learn history without poking them with a stick every five seconds. We at Custom Entertainment Solutions do not endorse poking people with sticks.
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    To keep historical accuracy was a challenge! To the point where we even recreated and 3D printed SR lapel buttons that could not be sourced.

    Great project, hope you enjoy it!


    Josh Gray
    President, Custom Entertainment Solutions, Inc.
    Affordable animatronics made in USA