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  • 1.  Speaker Honoraria

    Posted 08-22-2016 04:18 PM
    Hello All,

    We have an ongoing speaker series and I'm working on revising the agreement we ask each speaker to sign in advance of his/her talk.  Specifically, because several of this year's speakers have declined the honorarium we offer, I'd like to offer this as an option on the agreement form.


    Does anyone else do this sort of thing?  If so, would you be willing to share the verbiage you use?


    Thanks in advance,


    Lenora M. Henson
    Curator / Director of Public Programming
    Theodore Roosevelt Inaugural Site 
    641 Delaware Avenue
    Buffalo, NY  14202
    (716) 884-0095 ext 14

  • 2.  RE: Speaker Honoraria

    Posted 08-23-2016 09:25 AM

    We have an on-going speaker series but no written agreement/contract and I don't want one in this instance.  We outline the parameters of the program in emails but tailor them to each speaker as he or she can have individual requests, especially when it comes to selling books they have written.  We do offer a standard honorarium but most decline it.  We have had no far.


    Steven Miller
    Executive Director
    Boscobel House and Gardens
    Garrison NY

  • 3.  RE: Speaker Honoraria

    Posted 08-24-2016 09:15 AM

    In my experience I have found an agreement very helpful in getting all the particulars in one place and making sure that both the speaker and the museum have the same information about date, time, honorarium, a-v needs, contact information, etc.  When I was at the Gettysburg Seminary Ridge Museum we included a check off box that said: I would like to donate my honorarium as a contribution to the museum.  The agreement form was then used by accounting for billing purposes.  

    Barbara Franco
    [Harrisburg] [PA]