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  • 1.  Friends Groups

    Posted 02-03-2016 05:03 PM

    How have other organizations worked with friends groups.  We have several historic sites each with their own unique support group.  All are successful in different ways, some are fundraisers others assist with programs.  Does anyone have guidelines for friends groups, how do their memberships integrate with the agency's membership?


    Claudia Berg

    Director & ND SHPO

    State Historical Society of North Dakota

    612 East Boulevard Avenue

    Bismarck, ND 58505

    701-328-2666  I




  • 2.  RE: Friends Groups

    Posted 02-04-2016 02:07 PM

    Good morning from Portland Oregon!   I lead a friends group that operates Leach Botanical Garden in partnership with Portland Parks & Recreation.   Our city might be a good model for you to explore.  The park system has scores of friends groups, large and small.   Our facility has been open to the public for over 30 years with Leach Garden Friends being the day to day managing entity.   The Pittock Mansion an historic house and grounds here is operated by a friends group.  Marta Bones,  the director there,  has been involved with WMA.   Hoyt Arboretum is operated by a friends group as well.  The models vary, in part because the way that they began is different.   

    We're a 501(c)3. We have a license agreement with the city which guides our operation. We receive some fiinancial support from the city and the city provides systems and infrastructure support.  My organization operates a volunteer gift shop, fundraising activities, tours and classes and a rental business that generates about 30% of our operating income.  We have over 120 volunteers and a small staff.  None of our staff are city employees.   Let me know if you have more specific questions. 

    David Porter
    Executive Director
    Leach Botanical Garden
    Portland OR