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  • 1.  Tracking Attendance in Sculpture Garden?

    Posted 01-15-2016 09:03 AM
    Does anyone have suggestions on counting attendance at a sculpture or botanical garden? We have a beautiful one-acre sculpture garden that is growing in popularity, but we are having difficulty finding an accurate way to count visitors.  Admission to the garden is free and there are three points of entry (two gates, and one door through an adjacent building). 
    Best wishes, 
    Amanda Wilson
    Senior Associate of Communications
    The Society of the Four Arts
    Palm Beach, FL

  • 2.  RE: Tracking Attendance in Sculpture Garden?

    Posted 01-19-2016 04:27 PM

    Are you looking for a technology solution? We use a company called SenSource. We use them for counting visitors inside the Museum, but have also used them for counting visitors outdoors. They have a bunch of people counting options, but you will need some sort of IT infrastructure in the area you need to track.

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    Customer Analytics | People Counters - SenSource
    Improve efficiency & ROI with people & vehicle counters from SenSource. For retail, government, libraries & more. Satisfaction guaranteed.
    View this on Sensourceinc >


    Thomas Traegler
    National September 11 Memorial & Museum
    New York NY