Devising storage solutions that mitigate damage to collections from both threats small and expected, and large and catastrophic is a core task for preservation professionals. Doing so in a way that makes use of an institution's human, financial and material resources makes this task an even bigger challenge.
The third annual STASH Flash session on storage solutions for all collection types has been scheduled as a late afternoon pre-session to the meeting Saturday, May 14. The program will utilize a lightening round or "Tips" format as well as guided, audience participatory discussion. We are calling for contributions of short (5 minute) tips on the following themes:
- - Building on the conference theme, presentations will be solicited on storage mounts or support systems that were either specifically designed to mitigate against the threat of a disaster or inappropriate environment, or presentations that assess how rehousing solutions performed in protecting (or not protecting) collections in a disaster or emergency event.
- - Building on a topic that came out of the 2015 STASH Flash discussion session and the TSG Tips session, the second proposed theme focuses on multi-function supports, with functions serving more than one purpose, such as storage, storage, travel and/or exhibition purposes.
- - Innovative storage solutions for individual or collection groups that do not conform to either theme will be accepted if space allows.
Presenters will be asked to show up with their solution in a ready format for uploading to the STASH website ( after the conference.
To submit your ideas please send a short abstract including the following information to Rachael Arenstein ( by January 11, 2016.
- Name:
- Institution/Affiliation/Title:
- Email:
- Object/collection type:
- And a description of approx. 150 words on the project
Thank you from the session organizers,
Rachael Arenstein, Bible Lands Museum Jerusalem
Shelly Uhlir, Smithsonian Institution National Museum of the American Indian
Lisa Goldberg, STASH Editorial Committee Chair