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  • 1.  Alcohol at Kid-Friendly Special Events

    Posted 09-15-2015 01:04 PM

    I am looking for two things related to family-friendly, alcohol-inclusive events.

    1) Examples of policies for these types of programs/events that are intended for family audiences and include alcohol. Everything from "wristband protocols" to added security to "this is why we decided not to do this!" would be helpful. I'd also be interested in choices to limit types of alcohol or numbers of drinks, using tickets instead of direct purchase from bars, etc.

    2) Examples of the events themselves - festivals? parties? special programs? I'm interested in success stories and horror stories! of actually hosting these events. Links to web pages describing the events would be great, too.

    Tonya Matthews PhD
    Michigan Science Center
    Detroit MI

  • 2.  RE: Alcohol at Kid-Friendly Special Events

    Posted 09-16-2015 11:36 AM

    I would be interested in this as well.  One of the issues people have is perception.  An example we recently experienced here was during an Atomic Age themed exhibition.  Since the 50s and 60s were also the Cocktail Age, we decided to have an Atomic Cocktail party at which we served very small samples of a half a dozen cocktails with atomic sounding names.  Since some teenagers would be there as well, it was suggested that we also serve some "mocktails," essentially the same flavored drinks without alcohol.  A couple of more conservative board members thought this would promote underage drinking, so that was scrapped.

    But if you want to have successful events for adults at your museum, alcohol is going to be a key component.  I like the idea of tickets for drinks, over a cash bar, as a way of limiting consumption.  I think most attendees would not think that unreasonable.  A separate table for non-alcoholic beverages is also a good idea.

    David Beard
    Museum of the Gulf Coast
    Port Arthur TX

  • 3.  RE: Alcohol at Kid-Friendly Special Events

    Posted 09-18-2015 11:11 AM

    Yes, David! That is very similar to how the discussion shaped up at MiSci. Board members - rightly so - expressed concern about liability-type issues. Our child audience is assumed to be much younger (so we don't think we'll be working with the teenage-influence challenge), but there were concerns about intoxicated adults engaging with children of non-intoxicated adults, etc.

    Conversely... another team member noted that the only other major family-friendly event of this type definitely has alcohol and then there are baseball games! I thought baseball games was a good reality check there.

    Looking forward to additional comments. And I'll be happy to share here what we finally decided and how it went. (Our event is last Oct.)

    Tonya Matthews
    Michigan Science Center
    Detroit MI

  • 4.  RE: Alcohol at Kid-Friendly Special Events

    Posted 09-17-2015 02:42 PM

    We have family-friendly programs with alcohol. We use wristbands and card the adults. One does have to watch out for adults handing off liquor to someone underage. We're a small community though so they police themselves because there's always someone in the room who recognizes the young person and knows he/she is underage.

    Things to be ready for: some parents may be offended that you have liquor at a family event. So be prepared to respond to them. Plenty of parents are accepting of these events and actually appreciate the opportunity.

    The "mocktail" is typically discouraged not just by certain individuals, but by organizations for underage-drinking prevention.

    Always have trained bartenders prepared to card/cut-off. But that goes for any event with alcohol. It just seems even more crucial if the adult is driving children around in his/her car.

    Dawn Salerno
    Director of Education
    Mystic Arts Center
    Mystic CT

  • 5.  RE: Alcohol at Kid-Friendly Special Events

    Posted 09-18-2015 11:17 AM

    Thank you for sharing that insight. In particular, have the "ready to respond talking points" to parents who are concerned is a very important heads up. We had not thought of that.

    We are doing the TIPS Training (how to politely cut folks off and spot the over-tipsy) for the entire staff that will be on hand that night, so your comment about trained bartenders is very much inline with our thinking of "trained bartenders and a community of staff ready to support them".

    Very intrigued by you and David bringing up the issue with mocktails. I have several folks in my close circle who do not drink and I do not drink while "on the job" - so I had a blindspot here in realizing this would be a perception issue!! 


    Tonya Matthews
    Michigan Science Center
    Detroit MI

  • 6.  RE: Alcohol at Kid-Friendly Special Events

    Posted 09-17-2015 06:05 PM

    My museum sponsors two fund raising events a year.  In February we host a crab feed and in September a Bar-B-Que On the Ramp - ramp is the place at an airport/field where aircraft park.  We use our air park for that event.  In both cases we have beer and wine available for purchase.  We obtain a one day permit from the Calif Dept of Alcoholic Beverage Control and a notice to the Sacramento County Sheriff.  Drink tickets (different color for alcohol vs non-alcohol) are purchased for all drinks and are presented for the appropriate one.  We have a specific group of volunteers who are our bartenders.  Most are retired military so have no problem with saying no or questioning age.  

    We also are the site of military retirements, commissioning and change of command ceremonies.  Wedding receptions, business conferences and meetings, company dinners and Christmas/holiday parties have all been held here.  Our rental contract requires each group contact ABC to see if a permit in needed and if Sheriff notification is required.  the Sheriff already has a requirement on how much private security is required based on attendance.  Additional security may be required depending on the actual site and the sponsoring group.  For some events, the Sheriff requires the hiring of off-duty deputies in addition to private security.    

    To date we have had no problems with the availability of alcohol with groups composed of over and under 21 year olds.     

    Raymond Meyer
    Safety & Security Manager
    Aerospace Museum of California
    McClellan CA

  • 7.  RE: Alcohol at Kid-Friendly Special Events

    Posted 09-18-2015 11:24 AM

    Raymond, Thank you!

    Despite the fact that being from Maryland, I think all non-Maryland crab-based events should be highly scrutinized :-), this is great advice. (And great event concepts.)

    You are the first to note different colored drink tickets for alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks. I think that is a very good process - simplifying and verifying for bartenders, as well as reassuring attendees that things are being handled and that the right drink is going to the right person.

    Good reminder on other events, too - we also hosts weddings, parties, etc. (by 3rd party) and have not had any incidents. So it is a reminder that responsible folks can get this done.


    Tonya Matthews
    Michigan Science Center
    Detroit MI