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  • 1.  Admission Stickers

    Posted 09-02-2015 10:33 AM

    The museum I work for is currently looking to at the possibility of changing our admission ticket proof from a site map and receipt, to stickers.  We have two different museums, in two different towns. We would use two different shapes to indicate the different locations. We were also thinking about having a different color for every day. These would help staff to identify who has purchased a ticket for that day and that site.

    I am curious to know how the admission stickers are working for other museums.  We see a lot of traffic in our lobbies, and stickers would hopefully cut down the number of people who wonder on to site without paying admission.  I would like to know since implementing stickers, if anyone has seen an increase in their revenue.  Has it been an easy transition?  Is it making it easier to determine who has come on to the site without paying? Please mention any problems your museum has encountered during the transition. Any information would be helpful in determining if this is a change we should consider.

    Kolby Keller
    Jamestown Settlement
    Williamsburg VA

  • 2.  RE: Admission Stickers

    Posted 09-03-2015 08:31 AM

    I have found that using wristbands is better than stickers as the stickers easily fall off and create new problems concerning trash and proof of admission. Wristbands stay on better and they have "tab free" ones that do not create any extra trash. We use them for visitors who have purchased tickets for guided tours. Each tour time is color coded. They have worked well.

    This is the type we use: Tab Free, Litter Free Wristbands

    Wristband remove preview
    Tab Free, Litter Free Wristbands
    Our Tab Free wristbands help keep your event litter free and you won't have tabs to pick up after. They are easy to use, in stock and ready to ship.
    View this on Wristband >

    Mark Osterman
    Guiding Programs Manager
    Vizcaya Museum & Gardens
    Miami FL

  • 3.  RE: Admission Stickers

    Posted 09-03-2015 09:57 AM

    Hello -

    I agree with the problem of stickers falling off.  Everyday when I go home I have a small pile of stickers in my pocket I have picked up off the ground.  It could be that the type of sticker we purchased does not have a very strong adhesive but they seem to stick just fine to the waxed floors or brick paths outside in the gardens just not to peoples clothing.

    The art museum in town uses the small plastic clip on admission tabs and uses a different color for each day of the week.  They are more expensive but they ask people to return them for recycling which seems to cut down on the waste a bit.  Also I don't know if this would be a problem where you are but many of the places in town that have stickers then find them plastered all over the street lights and handrails outside of the museum.  Though it makes a colorful display covering no parking signs and other relevant information can be a problem.

    Lenora Costa
    Longue Vue House & Gardens
    New Orleans LA

  • 4.  RE: Admission Stickers

    Posted 09-03-2015 10:37 AM

    I can chime in on both sides of this question.  I worked for a museum that used stickers and felt it was a bit of a disaster.  If the sticker stayed on for the entire visit and did not fall off to adhere to our wooden floors, the visitor usually stuck the sticker to our outside walls, our windows, lamp posts, signs, you name it.  We scrapped more of those silly stickers off our building!

    My current museum uses the colored wristbands, a different color each day.  School groups receive a different color for their visit.  This makes a visual check easy and you can see whether the person is with a school group or a paid guest.  The only down side is the tabs that you pull off to apply the band.  Guests seem to drop those on the floor, I think I pick up about 100 tabs a day while walking through the building.

    My vote would lean towards wristbands.  As you are part of Colonial Williamsburg and Jamestown, I do not think you want adhesive stickers on buildings, walls, floors, etc.

    Good luck.

    Linda Nelson
    Maryland Science Center
    Baltimore MD

  • 5.  RE: Admission Stickers

    Posted 09-04-2015 03:01 PM

    We use a plastic tab:
    We have several colors, and switch them (randomly) each day.  We found the medium tags are easier for our security staff to see.  The order lasts for years before we have to reorder.  We ask visitors to return them after their visit.  While they do fall off from time to time, they seem to stay on well.  I think stickers would be a nightmare, and wristbands seem wasteful.  These are nice, as they are reusable.
    Jamie Leaf
    Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art
    Eugene OR