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  • 1.  Docent Scheduling

    Posted 09-01-2015 12:55 PM

    Hello all,

    I manage the volunteer docent program at the Kemper Art Museum at Washington University in St. Louis, and I'm looking for ways to make scheduling tours easier for both myself and my docents.

    Do you know of any scheduling software (ideally free!) or other strategies I could use to have docents sign up for tours? Since we are a very small museum and all of my docents are full-time students, having them sign up for regular shifts is not an option. 

    I am open to any and all ideas that don't involve email chains at this point!

    Thanks so much,


    Amy Miller
    Assistant Educator
    Mildred Lane Kemper Art Museum
    St. Louis MO

  • 2.  RE: Docent Scheduling

    Posted 09-01-2015 05:28 PM

    Hi Amy,

    While it isn't free, we use Vlogistics over here at the History Museum.  I think we pay around $10 a month to use it.

    Nicole Smith
    Lead Public Service Rep.
    Missouri History Museum 
    St. Louis MO

  • 3.  RE: Docent Scheduling

    Posted 09-02-2015 08:07 AM

    We just use Outlook Calendar and share it with whoever needs to see the schedule. You can set it up to be read only, and have the docent send you a note to sign them up for a certain date/time, or you can set it up so they can sign in and schedule their own date/time. Pretty easy. It's basic, but effective.

    Joseph Popp
    Exhibits & Archives Specialist
    Erie Insurance Museum
    Erie PA

  • 4.  RE: Docent Scheduling

    Posted 09-02-2015 09:28 AM

    Hi Amy, 

    (Sorry if this double-posts - I think my reply failed the first time!)

    We use to schedule our volunteers. It's a little clunky sometimes (I recommend setting up a new calendar each year to help with that), but it's free for the basic package, web-based, and easy for our volunteers to use. 

    If you have more specific questions, let me know! I'm also heading up a roundtable group of volunteer management personnel here in Atlanta, and I'd be happy to pull in their collective expertise if needed. We actually recently discussed scheduling software in the group - most programs here use Volgistics very successfully if that better suits your needs.

    Best of luck!

    Kate (

    Kate Naylor
    Member and Volunteer Services Coordinator
    Fernbank Museum of Natural History
    Atlanta GA

  • 5.  RE: Docent Scheduling

    Posted 09-02-2015 10:32 AM

    We also use Volgistics for all of our volunteer scheduling, including docents. The volunteers love it and I do too....most of the time!  We researched it pretty thoroughly about a year and a half ago when we were making the decision to go with on-line scheduling. It isn't perfect, but right now, I think it is the best one out there for our needs. The cost is based on the number of volunteers, how many administrators will need access, and any add ons that you need. You would want VicNet, which is an add on, that is how the volunteers access the scheduling from home. We pay $57/month for 200 volunteers and 4 administrators, but it is well worth it. 

    It has its kinks, for sure, but based on our research a year and a half ago, it was the best on line scheduling program out there and much more reasonable than creating our own through our website. 

    Since adopting it, our volunteers are more eager to sign up because it is easy to use and they get immediate confirmation. They are also less likely to forget their assignments, thanks to the automatic reminders. 


    Nancy Schomburg
    Manager, Volunteer Services
    Grounds for Sculpture
    Hamilton NJ

  • 6.  RE: Docent Scheduling

    Posted 09-02-2015 11:24 AM

    Just to jump on the Volgistics bandwagon.... it really is a decent piece of scheduling software. Not flawless, but it allows us to do so much including group communications and it's actually where potential Docents go to fill out our application! Once the application is filled out, it then processes the information and creates creates a basic profile for them. We can add to the profile as need be, but this really depletes the amount of data entry we normally would do without the software. It's so helpful and saves a lot of time.

    My favorite thing about it is that you can change the settings so that either volunteers can sign themselves up, or you can control the schedule yourself, and docents can only see their schedule, not make changes. Our shifts are weekly and do not change so the latter works better for us. It's also great because it tracks there total number of hours, which is a way we offer rewards/incentives.

    I'm a fan!

    Katie Courtien
    Docent Program Manager
    National September 11 Memorial & Museum
    New York NY

  • 7.  RE: Docent Scheduling

    Posted 09-02-2015 11:51 AM

    I put out a call for information on the AAMV (American Association for Museum Volunteers) list serve for free services and got the following feedback: might work.  There is a free version.  It has tutorial videos.  While it certainly is not a sophisticated as Volgistics, VolunteerSpot might just be a good fit for her!

    I've VolunteerSpot used it for one-off events, and lots of outside events not sponsored by my museum - the ability to see how many slots remain open is helpful.  Google Calendar can provide reminders, but is less sophisticated in terms of giving a count of spots filled. I believe VolunteerMatch can also help with this.

    We’ve also used for similar needs – there is a free version (with ads) and I think a more robust fee-based version, but we’ve only ever used the free one. I’ll have to check out as well!

    I make a calendar through TeamUp and send a link to volunteers with restricted access (they can see but not modify).

    Hope that gives a few leads to look into.

    Lois Kuter
    Manager of Volunteer Services
    Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University
    Philadelphia PA

  • 8.  RE: Docent Scheduling

    Posted 09-02-2015 03:33 PM

    Hello everyone,

    Here at the National Museum of Wildlife Art, we use for many of our volunteer and docent sign ups. It is very easy to use and input information. 

    The basic version (which covers many aspects) is free.

    Maggie Davis
    Visitors Services Supervisor
    National Museum of Wildlife Art
    Jackson WY

  • 9.  RE: Docent Scheduling

    Posted 09-03-2015 09:40 AM

    Hi, Amy. Our docent group recently started using Sign Up Genius ( There is a free version, which they used for a year, then they decided it was worth upgrading to the first tier of the paid version, which generates reports.

    This has worked very well for scheduling tours and workshops. Docents can access it on their own computers, and it's very user friendly.

    Hope this helps! Best of luck!

    Carol Ann

    Carol Ann Lloyd-Stanger
    Manager, Visitor Education Programs
    Folger Shakespeare Library
    Washington DC