Here at Vizcaya it ranges from about 4% up to 8% given the time of year and make-up of our visitors. I believe I've heard in the past that 5% is typical. Our audio tour comes in five languages and is an additional $5 fee on top of our $18 regular admission fee. Visitors also have an option for a live, guided tour for an additional $5 and that take up rate seems to be similar to that of the audio tour.
Ann Loshaw
Deputy Director for Learning
Vizcaya Museum & Gardens
Miami FL
Original Message:
Sent: 04-17-2015 11:37 AM
From: Snehal Shah
Subject: % of visitors who pay for audio guides
Do anyone know what is a typical % of visitors who pay for audio guides ?
Snehal Shah
Action Data Systems, LLC
Barrington RI