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Exhibits at bus stops? What about other public places outside of museums?

  • 1.  Exhibits at bus stops? What about other public places outside of museums?

    Posted 02-27-2015 07:17 PM
    Hot off the presses! Check out the "think piece" that my colleagues and I at the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry (OMSI) have just completed about creating exhibits for non-museum public places such as bus stops and train stations. Tripping Over Science: Taking STEM Exhibits Outside of the Museum This think piece is about why and how museums and other informal education institutions could (and maybe should) be placing novel, engaging exhibits where people are likely to encounter them unexpectedly in everyday places. (It focuses on STEM--science, technology, engineering, and math--exhibits, but it's relevant to all types of museum disciplines.) It is based on OMSI's findings and experiences during the NSF-funded Pathways project, Science on the Move. For this project, OMSI used a design-based research approach to create prototype exhibits and develop a "theory of action" describing how people engage with unexpected STEM exhibits at busy bus/train stops. Please take a look and share your experiences with this type of work. We'd love to get more museum people talking about this idea. ------------------------------------------- Kyrie Kellett Senior Exhibit Developer Oregon Museum of Science and Industry Portland OR -------------------------------------------

  • 2.  RE: Exhibits at bus stops? What about other public places outside of museums?

    Posted 02-28-2015 08:55 AM
    Interesting and good. FYI:

    The New York Hall of Science developed a series of exhibits at bus stops and other locations around that city in late 1980s, early 1990s that might be of interest. Martin Weiss may know all about it.

    and of course several science centers beyond the west coast in the US have experimented with exhibits and/or public programs in shopping malls or similar off-main-site locations.

    Kevin Coffee
    Chicago IL

  • 3.  RE: Exhibits at bus stops? What about other public places outside of museums?

    Posted 03-01-2015 03:39 PM
    In cooperation with the West Virginia Railroad Museum, which is opening here (Elkins, WV) this spring with an exhibit celebrating the Virginian Railway, as the executive director of the American Society of Railway Artists (ASRA), I arranged with a local gallery/frame shop to feature a dozen works showing how ASRA members have portrayed railroading in West Virginia.

    In a similar vein, I am working with a group that is part of the Allegheny Highlands (Rail) Trail - a 26-mile long portion of of the former Western Maryland Railway's route north out of Elkins - to create 10 trail signs that also feature one work of art on each sign.  The signs are intended to illustrate key railroading activity along the trail, all evidence of which has mostly disappeared since the route was abandoned over 30 years ago.

    To me, it is important for arts and preservation efforts to partner in as many ways as possible to create a total that is greater than the sum of the parts.  To that end, ASRA members' work is integral to a rail-themed literacy program being developed for national distribution, and with a local organization that is maintaining art education in the schools as budget cutbacks have decimated those programs.

    I welcome hearing of other such partnering efforts.

    James Porterfield
    Elkins WV

  • 4.  RE: Exhibits at bus stops? What about other public places outside of museums?

    Posted 03-02-2015 01:30 PM
    Ithaca's Sciencenter in upstate NY has its relatively famous scale model Carl Sagan Planet Walk ( ) which goes form downtown (where the model Sun is) to the Sciencenter (where the model Pluto is).  They've also just within the past few years installed a station in Hawaii to represent Alpha Centauri!

    Brian Levine
    Youth Programs Manager/Astrophysics Educator
    American Museum of Natural History, Education Department
    Central Park West at 79th St.
    New York, NY 10024

    In questions of science, the authority of a thousand is not worth the humble reasoning of a single individual.
    -Galileo Galilei

  • 5.  RE:Exhibits at bus stops? What about other public places outside of museums?

    Posted 03-03-2015 07:25 PM

    Our history museum has exhibits in lobby's
    Of buildings , very well received .
    Then we also , tried viedo at the elevator.
    Next we are going to document the exhibit
    Sites with a university program on line.
    This will allow much more information , photos
    And oral history's. I phone info to follow.
    Bus stops are terrific for ads. Thanks for
    The tip.
    Texann Ivy Buck
    Orlando FL

  • 6.  RE: Exhibits at bus stops? What about other public places outside of museums?

    Posted 03-14-2015 08:50 PM
    Great idea to document the exhibits / exhibit sites online!  We will be borrowing this for next year's programming.  Thanks!

    Berlin Loa MLS, CA
    Museum Director & Archivist
    The Museum of Casa Grande/
    Casa Grande Valley Historical Society
    Casa Grande AZ

  • 7.  RE: Exhibits at bus stops? What about other public places outside of museums?

    Posted 02-28-2015 01:03 PM
    I'm not sure if it's along the same lines as what you have in mind, but I've seen several different airports with small exhibits.  The Seattle-Tacoma Airport has had one from the Museum of Flight in the past (before my time, I think) and also the EMP Museum.  I'm usually off to find my gate, but I do like pausing at one object or panel that catches my eye on the way.


    Trystan Popish
    Aerospace Education Coordinator
    Museum of Flight
    Seattle WA

  • 8.  RE: Exhibits at bus stops? What about other public places outside of museums?

    Posted 03-01-2015 10:44 AM
    Also in the 1980s, The Metropolitan Museum of Art travelled two  small exhibitions to various community outlets: "New Perspectives: Art Museums and the Visually Impaired"  in 1983  to Bellevue Hospital (NY, NY), the Queens Lighthouse (Queens, NY), Academy Senior Center (Bronx, NY), and the Magnolia Tree Earth Center of Bedfod Styvesant Inc. (Brooklyn, NY). Then  " A Picture of Medieval Life" in 1985 to LaGuardia and Bellevue again, but also to Children's Hosptial (Washington, DC) and Gallery 12 Arts Interaction (Upper Manhattan, NY). Hospital lobbies are especially recommended: maxium visibility, people around 24/7; in house security guards; temperature control to the degree that it is possible outside of an art museum environment.  These were real exhibitions in real vitrines with real accessioned objects, not reproductions in suitcases or other less secure vehicles.  The vitrines looked a little like armoured tanks rather than the usual delicate display window, but in my opinion, this was a small price to pay for the visibility provided to people who would not otherwise have had the opportunity to learn from and enjoy these works of art.
    Charles Steiner
    Museum Consultant
    Adj. Faculty, Univ. of AR, Fort Smith
    Fort Smith AR

  • 9.  RE: Exhibits at bus stops? What about other public places outside of museums?

    Posted 03-02-2015 10:58 AM
    The airport in Savannah Georgia has exhibited artwork from students and faculty from its ubiquitous Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD). The art is eye-catching and a relief from the relentlessly commercial usual airport fare. ------------------------------------------- Ellen Giusti Independent Consultant New York NY -------------------------------------------

  • 10.  RE: Exhibits at bus stops? What about other public places outside of museums?

    Posted 03-02-2015 08:42 AM
    I love the idea of putting exhibits in unexpected places! The Newseum in Washington D.C. filled their bathrooms with blown up newspapers with typos in the headlines. It was a nice injection of humor in an unexpected place. Now, this was within a museum rather than in a public place, but the idea of finding something fascinating where you least expect it is the same.

    Steven Prokopchak
    Associate Producer
    Jamestown-Yorktown Foundation
    Williamsburg VA

  • 11.  RE: Exhibits at bus stops? What about other public places outside of museums?

    Posted 03-02-2015 11:05 AM
    Besides creating formal exhibits in public spaces, museums/art galleries have also taken the art to the community in unusual ways, including the US art billboard project last summer which was copying a UK project
    But I would say that my favorite 'taking-it-to-the-streets' exhibit was done last year by Lismore Castle in Ireland, where the entire village of Lismore was turned into a fairy tale art exhibitnstallation by Nicky Deeley, with many community members taking part and creating sections of the fairy stories in the village and tumblr
    There's no reason why other disciplines (science, history, et al) couldn't do the same thing.

    Nezka Pfeifer
    Everhart Museum of Natural History, Science & Art
    Scranton PA

  • 12.  RE: Exhibits at bus stops? What about other public places outside of museums?

    Posted 03-02-2015 03:42 PM

    As an Indiana state park, we have highway signs on interstate highways. I made arrangements with the Indiana Department of Transportation to have an exhibit installed outside the nearest rest stop. Since our park is on the site of a world-class Devonian fossil bed, we moved a large fossil boulder from our picnic area and had an interpretive panel fabricated that described the boulder & its fossils. It provides information on how to get to the park. (We have rack cards inside the service building.)

    Like bus stops, rest stops are a good place for informal science education. It would be possible to have a volunteer or staff person set up  with a hands-on activity as time permits, especially during holiday travel periods. I recall seeing an Alabama minerals display in a rest stop on I-65 just inside that state. (They also have a rocket since Huntsville has NASA's rocket fabrication site.)

    We created several displays that rotate in different venues: our local airport and library branches through the metro area. The airport has  display cases for local cultural attractions to use. For the last two years, I've rotated two exhibits (we provide the cases) in libraries (they've been through a dozen so far). We offer children's reading and adult programs while the display is up.

    Any location where people have to wait or rest is ideal for outreach. Hotels, malls and such also work.

    Alan Goldstein
    Interpretive Naturalist
    Falls of The Ohio State Park Interpretive Center
    Clarksville IN

  • 13.  RE: Exhibits at bus stops? What about other public places outside of museums?

    Posted 03-13-2015 02:09 PM
    Thank you all for sharing your examples of exhibitions in unexpected places. What a wonderfully creative, inspiring list! We're thinking about next steps for this type of work at OMSI and with possible partners, so hopefully we'll have more to share soon.  And of course, be in touch if you're interested in being part of the conversation.


    Kyrie Kellett
    Senior Exhibit & Program Developer
    Oregon Museum of Science and Industry
    Portland OR

  • 14.  RE: Exhibits at bus stops? What about other public places outside of museums?

    Posted 03-14-2015 09:03 PM

    We install quarterly exhibits at the City Finance & Administration Building (where the public pays for utilities). Great way to reach the public during their own daily activities. And, we are working in partnership with the City Police Administration and PR office to assist with their lobby exhibits. In fact, just this week, we sent our mannequin over for their first installation.

    I will be borrowing an idea by another post on this board, to enhance our public exhibits: documenting the public exhibits on our website. Thanks for that Texann Ivy Buck!

    Berlin Loa MLS, CA
    Museum Director & Archivist
    The Museum of Casa Grande /
    Casa Grande Valley Historical Society
    Casa Grande AZ

  • 15.  RE: Exhibits at bus stops? What about other public places outside of museums?

    Posted 03-18-2015 09:11 AM
    Lambert International Airport in St. Louis has started to work with museums to do short term exhibits in a former waiting area of a concourse.  The Missouri State Museum participated last year with a 3 month exhibit.  It was very basic, with an intro panel and then short object labels more along the lines of an art museum then a normal history exhibit.  It was well received and got the museum some exposure outside of the middle of the state.

    Katherine Owens
    Curator of Collections
    Missouri State Museum
    Jefferson City MO

  • 16.  RE: Exhibits at bus stops? What about other public places outside of museums?

    Posted 03-18-2015 09:15 AM
    My mentor created a postcard exhibit at a local coffee shop in California. He blew up pictures of the old postcards and mounted them, but also had them for sale, with part of the proceeds going to the coffee shop and the rest going to the museum. Everyone loved it and it was a good way to raise money for the museum and the local coffee shop, who made sure to tell everyone where the museum was located. 

    Christine Clements
    Curatorial Assistant
    Fauquier History Museum at the Old Jail
    Warrenton VA

  • 17.  RE: Exhibits at bus stops? What about other public places outside of museums?

    Posted 03-23-2015 03:32 PM

    This discussion is perfect timing!  The Museum of Science Fiction is excited to announce that we're developing an exhibit to open in July at Reagan National Airport outside Washington D.C.  "The Future of Travel" will incorporate a large model of the Orion III spacecraft from the classic film 2001: A Space Odyssey as well as several retro-futuristic travel posters depicting locations around the solar system.  Come check it out this summer!
    Katherine Kidwell
    Associate Curator

    Museum of Science Fiction
